Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Journalism and Internet is very Important!

Hallow Tanzania and Other people who reading my blog ,

Yesterday was a day three in my workshop ,It was good to me because was learn many thing about website and how to find website It was very fun to me and the topic was saying that Internet in everyday in Journalism this Topic was fantastic.

Our trainer Mr Peak Johansson is a good teacher because I understand what he teach.

In this Topic Internet in everyday in Journalism ,Its true that now ourdays the journalist need internet more than anything to done the job or work.

If you’re the journalist and you want done good job you must use Internet because you can get many references in you story, so throught this topic now I understand the Important of Internet and website in my job.

Also I understand how to find historical background of any country ,or any people who femace ,example If I want to find profile of any prominent figure or presidents in this world through Internet and website I can get It properly.

Not Only another this which I learn through this workshop in day three ,for Journalist is very important to check or to read other website in order to expand knowledge.

Another thing I understand that In this world for journalist is very important to use Internet because world is like village if you want anything you can get through internet.

I try to explain many thing but let me tell you how I find Information or any news ,example of website is, ,, , ,, , , ,

This is few website which we are trying to check yesterday there many website which you can get information

Thanks and good day!

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